Legal Entity Onboarding

Legal Entity Onboarding

Steps for Onboarding a Legal Entity
  • Streamlined Integration: Guides users seamlessly to the KYB (Know Your Buiness) interface.
  • Comprehensive Information Gathering: Collects additional details and documents about the business and its representatives.
  • Efficient Document Submission: Users upload required documents, which are promptly processed by Lemonway.
  • Thorough Identity Verification: Includes ID document verification, a liveness check, and a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) process.
  • Robust Biometric and Legal Data Validation: Confirms the authenticity of biometric and legal documents.
  • Expert Review and Approval: Lemonway’s experts validate KYB information within 48 hours, ensuring accuracy and compliance.

Legal Entity Endpoints

  • POST /accounts/legal-entity
  • POST /onboardings/legal-entity/{{accountId}}
  • GET /onboarding/legal-entity/{{accountId}}/resume
📘 Note: It’s important to note that for the onboarding process, dataset requirements will differ based on the entity type. The data we request from a company will not be the same as what we ask from an association or a sole trader. For example: registration date is mandatory for a company during creation, but optional for associations and sole traders.

Account Creation Endpoint

Onboarding Entity Example

POST /accounts/legal-entity
    "legalEntity": {
        "name": "Lemonway SAS",
        "type": "COMPANY",
        "registrationNumber": "KJDWAO",
        "registrationCountry": "FR"
    "legalRepresentative": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "birthDate": "2023-06-01T10:10:57.870Z",
        "email": "",
        "address": {
            "residenceCountry": "FR"
    "nationalities": ["FR", "EN"],
    "profile": "PROJECT_HOLDER",
    "walletId": "f2470b35-4dd4-4fe1-bab2-f8c763ebcef5",
    "solutionName": "lemonway"


Legal Entity Fields

Field Required Description Value Example
name Yes Name of the legal entity Lemonway SAS
type Yes Type of legal entity COMPANY
registrationNumber Optional for Associations and Sole Traders Registration number of the legal entity KJDWAO
Country Yes Country where the legal entity is registered FR
firstName Yes First name of the legal representative John
lastName Yes Last name of the legal representative Doe
birthDate Yes Birth date of the legal representative 2023-06-01T10:10:57.870Z
email Yes Email address of the legal representative
Country Yes Residence country of the legal representative FR
nationalities Yes Nationalities of the legal representative ["FR", "EN"]
profile Yes Profile of the entity PROJECT_HOLDER
walletId Yes Wallet ID associated with the entity f2470b35-4dd4-4fe1-bab2-f8c763ebcef5
solutionName Yes Solution name lemonway

Onboarding Endpoint

POST /onboardings/legal-entity/{{accountId}}

    "solutionName": "lemonway",
    "profileType": "PROJECT_HOLDER",
    "accountId": "e250981c-0e2d-45d4-ac09-dffa2aa3292b",
    "legalEntity": {
        "name": "Rebeca CORP",
        "brandName": "Kale brand",

Solution Name Fields

Field Required Value
solutionName Yes lemonway
profileType Yes PROJECT_HOLDER
accountId Yes e250981c-0e2d-45d4-ac09-dffa2aa3292b

Legal Entity Information

Field Required Description Example
type Yes Type of legal entity SAS (Société par actions simplifiée)
name Yes Name of the legal entity ABC Entreprise
brandNames Yes Brand names associated with the entity ABC France, ABC Paris
legalForm Yes Legal form of the company SARL (Société à responsabilité limitée)
registrationNumber Yes Company registration number 123 456 789 RCS Paris
registrationDate Yes Date of company registration 01/01/2020
vatNumber Yes Value-added tax number FR12345678910
Website Yes Official company website
NoWebsiteReason Yes Reason for no website, if applicable N/A

Address Fields

Field Required Description Example
Street Yes Street address of the company 12 Rue de la Paix
Complementary street Yes Additional address information Building B
PostalCode Yes Postal code 75002
City Yes City where the company is located Paris
Country Yes Country where the company is registered France


Field Required Description Example
NaceCode Yes Company’s economic activity code 1.44
Description Yes Description of the company's main activity Retail of general goods
CustomersCountries Yes Countries where the company has customers France, Germany, Belgium
FundsDestinationCountries Yes Countries where the company's funds are directed France, Luxembourg
SameFundCountryAsCompanyRegistration Yes Whether the destination of funds matches registration country Yes
ReasonFundsDestinationCountries Yes Reason for funds destination countries (if different) Tax optimization
Reason Yes General reason for company's activities Business expansion
Countries Yes Countries where the company operates France, Germany
SameAddressAsCompanyRegistration Yes Whether trading address is the same as registration address Yes
TradingStreet Yes Trading address of the company 5 Avenue de l'Opéra
TradingComplementaryStreet Yes Additional trading address information Suite 101
TradingPostalCode Yes Postal code for trading address 75009
TradingCity Yes City for trading address Paris
TradingCountry Yes Country for trading address France Yes Entity financing source (for Associations only) Banks
EntityFinancing.Other Yes Other sources of financing (for Associations only) Private equity


Field Required Description Example
ExpectedActivityVolume Yes Expected volume of business activity €2 million
PreviousTurnover Yes Previous year's turnover €1.5 million
CurrentTurnover Yes Current year's turnover €1.8 million


Field Required Description Example
HasShareholders Yes Whether the company has shareholders Yes
Name Yes Name of shareholders Jean Dupont
RegistrationNumber Yes Registration number of shareholders 987654321 RCS Paris
RegistrationCountry Yes Country where shareholders are registered France


Field Required Description Example
Description Yes Description of the project Expansion into e-commerce
Website Yes Project website

Legal Representative (LR) Information

Field Required Description Example
First Name Yes First name of the legal representative Marie
Last Name Yes Last name of the legal representative Dupont
Other Name Yes Any other names of the legal representative -
Birthdate Yes Birthdate of the legal representative 10/02/1980
Birthcity Yes City of birth of the legal representative Paris
Birthcountry Yes Country of birth of the legal representative France
Nationalities Yes Nationalities of the legal representative French
Email Yes Email of the legal representative
Phone Number Yes Phone number of the legal representative 33 1 23 45 67 89
Tax Code Yes Tax code of the legal representative 123456789
AnnualRevenue Yes Note: Legal Rep financial situation for Sole Trader LR only 100,000
EstimatedWealth Yes Note: Legal Rep financial situation for Sole Trader LR only 300,000
HasIFITax Yes Note: Legal Rep financial situation for Sole Trader LR only Yes

LR Address Fields

Field Required Description Example
Street Yes Street address of the legal representative 45 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
Complementary Street Info Yes Additional address information for the legal representative Apt 2B
City Yes City of the legal representative Paris
PostalCode Yes Postal code for the legal representative 75008
Country Yes Country of residence for the legal representative France

LR Financial and Political Exposure Information

Attribute Required Description Example
LR Political Exposure (same individual) Yes Indicates if the person is politically exposed Yes
LR Financial situation (AnnualRevenue) Yes The individual's annual revenue 100,000
LR Financial situation (EstimatedWealth) Yes The individual's estimated wealth 500,000
LR Financial situation (HasIFITax) Yes Indicates if the individual is subject to IFI tax (only in France) Yes
LR (isUBO) Yes Indicates if the person is an Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) Yes

UBO (Ultimate Beneficial Owner) Information

Attribute Required Description Example
UBO info (FirstName) Yes First name of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner John
UBO info (LastName) Yes Last name of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner Doe
UBO info (OtherName) Optional Any other names the Ultimate Beneficial Owner may use N/A
UBO info (Birthdate) Yes Birthdate of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner 01/01/1970
UBO address (BirthCity) Yes City where the Ultimate Beneficial Owner was born Paris
UBO info (BirthCountry) Yes Country where the Ultimate Beneficial Owner was born France
UBO info (Nationalities) Yes Nationalities of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner French
UBO info (Email) Yes Email address of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner
UBO info (PhoneNumber) Yes Phone number of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner +33 1 23456789
UBO address (Street) Yes Street address of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner 123 Rue de Paris
UBO address (ComplementaryStreetInfo) Optional Additional street address information if applicable Apt 45B
UBO address (City) Yes City of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner's address Paris
UBO address (PostalCode) Yes Postal code of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner's address 75001
UBO address (Country) Yes Country of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner's address France
UBO political exposure (same individual) Yes Indicates if the Ultimate Beneficial Owner is politically exposed No

Board Members

Attribute Required Description Example
Board member (FirstName) Yes First name of the board member Alice
Board member (LastName) Yes Last name of the board member Smith
Board member (OtherName) Optional Any other names the board member may use N/A
Board member (Birthdate) Yes Birthdate of the board member 15/05/1980
Board member (BirthCity) Yes City where the board member was born London
Board member (BirthCountry) Yes Country where the board member was born UK
Board member (Nationalities) Yes Nationalities of the board member British
Board member (Email) Optional Email address of the board member
Board member (Country) Yes Country of the board member's address UK
BM political exposure (same individual) Yes Indicates if the board member is politically exposed No
Position (Type) Yes Type of position held by the individual Treasurer
Position (Other) Optional Required if position (type) is other Diplomatic Official

Onboarding Resume Endpoint

During the onboarding process, a user’s progress is automatically backed up. There is also a save feature if the user wants to manually save their progress. The resume endpoint allows a user to continue where they last finished.

GET /onboarding/legal-entity/{{accountId}}/resume

"url": ""
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