What are the Required KYC and KYB documents for France? πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

In order to open a payment account at Lemonway, the account holder shall provide identification documents and get them approved by Lemonway. To pass a payment account to KYC2 status (verified clients, transactions can be made to that account), such documents shall be uploaded to the relevant payment account and reviewed by our KYC experts.

Standard documents to be provided, depend on the type of the payment account to be opened (natural person or legal entity) but also upon the type of the legal entity (association, listed company, non-listed company, etc.)


The following list is not exhaustive. The documents listed below are the standard documents required for any person (natural person or legal entity) requesting the opening of a payment account. Lemonway reserves the right to ask for any other document or complementary information in order to perform the necessary verifications in accordance with its legal obligations, in particular relating to anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism.


The documents must be uploaded to a payment account and their size smaller than 10 MB. For security reasons, only the following document types are accepted: PDF, JPG, JPEG et PNG. Please refrain from using TIFF and prefer PDF. Also, if you want your ID documents to be processed automatically, please make sure their size does not exceed 6 MB.

πŸ‘‰  Natural person 



πŸ‘‰  Legal entity

Non-listed company

Company listed in an EU country or an equivalent third country


Government Authority

Trust or foundation

Skilled trades

Limited Liability Agricultural Company, Civil Farming Company, Cooperative Farming Group


πŸ‘‰ Self-employed


πŸ‘‰  Investment funds

Incorporated funds

Unincorporated Funds (UIF)


πŸ‘‰  Social and Economic Committee (SEC)


πŸ‘‰  General interest grouping, University hospital center, Public establishment of general interest, Real estate investment company, private health establishments of collective interest


πŸ‘‰  Insurance company


πŸ‘‰  Parish or Church

Natural person


  • A valid identification document of the person willing to open the payment account: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides) et driving license in card format (both sides)


A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.



A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.

Legal entity

Non-listed company

  • A valid identification document of the legal representative of the company requiring the opening of the payment account: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
  • A valid identification document for each beneficial owner holding more than 25% of the company holding which aims to hold the payment account : identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
  • A  certificate of incorporation (Kbis for France) dated less than three months old of the fund which will hold the payment account
  • The company's dated and signed Articles of Association 
  • Beneficial ownership register type DBE-S1 (showing the individual(s) that owns or controls more than 25% of the company shares)

  • A document establishing the capital breakdown not older than 1 year and signed by the legal representative (example: annual accounts or minutes).
    • Make sure that for multilayered shareholding structures the link between the companies is established by providing an org chart and a declaration signed by the legal representative and not older than 1 year
  • For companies ultimately owned by a listed company, it will be required to show the full shareholding structure and add the proof of listing to the related stock market for the listed entity
    • Local UBO registry could be used to establish the link with the parent listed company as a subsidiary of a listed company remains a private limited company or similar
    • UBO verification might be waived if there is no other shareholder owning or controlling more than 25% of shares.

Crowdfunding partners only: 

    • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader.

For marketplaces only:

      • The URL of the merchant's site is a priority. Failing that, the URL of the merchant's store on the marketplace or the URL of the marketplace as a last resort. 



A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.


Company listed in an EU country or an equivalent third country

        • A valid identification document of the legal representative of the company requiring the opening of the payment account: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
        • A certificate of incorporation (Kbis for France) dated less than three months old of the fund which will hold the payment account (if not specified on the certificate of incorporation, the position of the physical person authorized to represent the company must be publicly verifiable, e.g. LinkedIn) or a delegation of powers provided
        • Proof of the listing to the related stock market (this could be the page of the stock market showing the company details) 
        • If the company’s shares are not at least 76% public, all shareholders owning or controlling more than 25% of the shares will fall into Ultimate Beneficial Owner verification requirements.

Crowdfunding partners only:

    • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader

For marketplaces only:

    • The URL of the merchant's site is a priority. Failing that, the URL of the merchant's store on the marketplace or the URL of the marketplace is a last resort.



A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.



                • A valid identification document of the natural person representing the association requesting the opening of the payment account: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides). The natural person representing the association must be the president, treasurer, or secretary of the association
                • A copy of the minutes of the last general meeting of the association holding the payment account. The date of the document must be consistent with the frequency of general meetings mentioned in the Articles of Association
                • The Articles of Association, dated and signed, of the association holding the payment account
                • The issue of the JOAFE for France  (Official Journal of Associations & Corporate Foundations) listing the association that holds the payment account.

Crowdfunding partners only:

      • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader

For marketplaces:

    • The URL of the merchant's site is a priority. Failing that, the URL of the merchant's store on the marketplace or the URL of the marketplace as a last resort.



A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.



Administration, Authorities or Public Agencies and Regional authorities 

  • A valid identification document of the natural person authorized by the government authority which aims at opening the payment account: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
  • A mandate granted by the government authority aims at opening holding the payment account to the physical person acting on its behalf.

Crowdfunding partners only:

    • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader



A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.



a - Simple foundation

  • A valid identification document of the natural person representing the foundation that wishes to hold the payment account: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
  • An official document certifying that the physical natural person identified is indeed authorized to represent the foundation and to manage the payment account
  • The issue of the JOAFE for France (Official Journal of Associations & Corporate Foundations) listing the foundation that wishes to hold the payment account.

Crowdfunding partners only:

  • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader



A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.


b - Foundation under the aegis of a sheltering foundation

  • A valid identification document of the natural person representing the foundation that wishes to hold the payment account: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
  • The issue of the JOAFE for France (Official Journal of Associations & Corporate Foundations) listing the sheltering foundation 
  • The Articles of Association, dated and signed, of the sheltering foundation
  • The agreement dated and signed between the sheltered foundation and the sheltering foundation
  • A copy of the minutes of the last general meeting or the list of board members of the sheltered foundation wishing to hold the payment account.


Crowdfunding partners only:

    • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader


A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.


Endowment funds 

  • A valid identification document of the natural person who will be in charge of the management of the endowment fund payment account: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
  • An official document certifying that the natural person identified is indeed authorised to represent the endowment fund and to manage the payment account to be opened
  • The Articles of Association, dated and signed, of the endowment fund which will be holding the payment account
  • A copy of the minutes of the last general meeting or the list of board members of the endowment fund which will be holding the payment account.
  • The issue of the JOAFE for France  (Official Journal of Associations & Corporate Foundations) listing the endowment funds that hold the payment account.

Crowdfunding partners only:

    • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader


A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.

Skilled trades

    • A valid identification document: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
    • A Trade Register Certificate issued within the last 3 months for the tradesperson holding wishing to open the payment account.

Crowdfunding partners only:

  • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader

For marketplaces only:

  • The URL of the merchant's site is a priority. Failing that, the URL of the merchant's store on the marketplace or the URL of the marketplace as a last resort.


A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.

Limited Liability Agricultural Company, Civil Farming Company, Cooperative Farming Group

  • A valid identification document: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides) of the CEO or treasurer of the entity requesting the opening of the payment account
  • A valid identification document (front and back sides of an ID card or passport) of the beneficial owners holding more than 25 % of the entity: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
  • A Trade and Companies Register Certificate issued within the last 3 months for the entity requesting the opening of the payment account
  • The signed Articles of Association for the entity requesting the opening of the payment account
  • A copy of the notice in the Official Bulletin of Civil and Commercial Announcements for France (Bulletin Officiel des Annonces Civiles et Commerciales (BODACC) in French).

Crowdfunding partners only:

  • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader

For marketplaces only:

  • The URL of the merchant's site is a priority. Failing that, the URL of the merchant's store on the marketplace or the URL of the marketplace as a last resort.


A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.



  • A valid identification document of the applicant willing to open the account: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
  • An INSEE (French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) registration document issued within the last 3 months of the applicant's beginning the formalities to open a payment account or a document certifying registration with the Chamber of Commerce (for sole-employed carrying out a commercial activity) or with the Trade register (for self-employed carrying out a craft activity).

A self-employed will have to register as a legal entity during the account creation process.


A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.

Investment funds

Incorporated funds

  • A valid identification document of the legal representative of the fund wishing to open the payment account: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
  • A KBIS certificate of incorporation (Kbis for France) dated less than three months old of the fund holding the payment account
  • The Articles of Association, dated and signed, of the fund wishing to hold the payment account
  • The certificate of the fund manager of the company's compliance department attesting to the presence or not of beneficial owners

Crowdfunding partners only:

    • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader


A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.

Unincorporated Funds (UIF)

        • A valid identification document of the legal representative of the management company requesting to open a payment account: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
        • A certificate of incorporation (Kbis for France) dated less than three months old of the fund which will hold the payment account
        • The management regulations document of the fund holding the payment account
        • The certificate of the fund manager of the company's compliance department attesting to the presence or not of beneficial owners

Crowdfunding partners only:

        • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader


A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.

Social and Economic Committee (SEC)

        • A valid identification document of the natural person who will be in charge of the management of the payment account on behalf of the SEC: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
        • A copy of the minutes of the last general meeting mentioning the list of board members of the SEC who will be holding the payment account.

Crowdfunding partners only:

  • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader


A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.


General interest grouping, University hospital center, Public establishment of general interest, Real estate investment company, private health establishments of collective interest

      • A valid identification document of the natural person who will be in charge of the management of the payment account on behalf of the public agency: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
      • An official document certifying that the natural person identified is indeed authorized to represent the public agency and to manage the payment account.

Crowdfunding partners only:

      • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader



A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.


Insurance company

      • A valid identification document of the natural person who will be in charge of the management of the payment account on behalf of the insurance company: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
      • A decision (extract from the deliberation or mandate) designating the person(s) (non-executive) authorized to manage the payment account on behalf of the insurance company
      • An extract of the deliberations designating the directors and specifying their powers
      • An extract of publication in the JOAFE for France (Official Journal of Associations & Corporate Foundations) or, failing that, the extract from the register of mutual insurance companies attesting to the registration of the insurance company which will be holding the payment account
      • The final and/or certified true Articles of Association, dated and signed, of the insurance company which will be holding the payment account.

Crowdfunding partners only:

      • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader


A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.


Parish or Church

      • A valid identification document  of the natural person who will be in charge of the management of the payment account on behalf of the Parish or the Church: identity card (both sides), passport, residence permit (both sides), driving license (card format, both sides)
      • A copy of the minutes of the last general meeting of the diocesan association authorizing the opening of the account and designating the persons authorized to manage it
      • An extract of publication in the JOAFE for France (Official Journal of Associations & Corporate Foundations) in the name of the diocesan association or Diocese
      • The Articles of Association, dated and signed, in the name of the diocesan association or Diocese.

Crowdfunding partners only:

      • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader


A bank statement document will be requested for all outgoing transfer requests. In this case, an IBAN must be registered in the banking information of the payment account.

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