What are the Required KYC and KYB documents for Italy, Spain and Germany?

To open a payment account within Lemonway, the applicant must provide their identification documents so that they can be verified by Lemonway. To update a payment account to KYC2 status (verified clients so transactions can be made to that account), such documents shall be uploaded to the relevant payment account and reviewed by our KYC experts.

Upload documents into a payment account, with a file size smaller than 10 MB. For security reasons, only these document types are accepted: PDF, JPG, JPEG et PNG. Refrain from using TIFF and prefer PDF. Also, if you want your ID documents to be processed automatically, they need to be below 6 MB.


In the following tables, you can find the required documents for KYC for applicants in Italy, Spain, and Germany. The information in the table below is in the language of your clients.


🇮🇹 Italy

🇪🇸 Spain

🇩🇪 Germany


🇮🇹 Italy



Legal organization association

Legal Entity

Information required:

Nome Cognome, Data di nascita, Luogo di nascita, Indirizzo di residenza e Codice fiscale


Information required:

Nome Cognome, Data di nascita, Luogo di nascita, Indirizzo di residenza e Codice fiscale


Information required:

Denominazione dell'ente, forma giuridica, numero di registrazione (se applicabile) e indirizzo della sede legale

Entity's registration details:

Denominazione (legal name), sede legale (registered address) and codice fiscale (tax code if available)


First proof of identity:

  • Passaporto
  • Carta d'identità nazionale
  • La patente di guida (versione recente con linee MRZ)
  • Permesso di residenza (solo se di un paese europeo)


Legal form:

Impresa individuale, Artigiano, Lavoratore autonomo, Libero professionista, Impenditore


Legal form:

Associazione, Organizzazione non governativa,
Ente di beneficenza/No profit,

Legal form:

  • Società a responsabilità limitata (S.r.l)
  • Società per azioni (S.p.a)
  • Società Cooperativa a responsabilita limitata (S.c.r.l)
  • Società semplice (S.s)
  • Società in nome collettivo (S.n.c)
  • Società in accomandita semplice (S.a.s)
  • Società in Accomandita Per Azioni (S.a.p.a)

Enhanced Due Diligence: 

Proof of address, economic proof (pay slip, tax notice, source of funds proof, ..etc.) or any other document that can be asked to validate the onboarding


First Proof of identity:

  • Passaporto
  • Carta d'identità nazionale
  • La patente di guida (versione recente con linee MRZ)
  • Permesso di residenza (solo se di un paese europeo)


Certificate of incorporation: 

Certificato di attribuzione del numero di partita IVA e/o Codice fiscale (di norma, documento rilasciato dell'Agenzia delle Entrate)

Certificate of incorporation:

Visura Camerale di meno di 3 mesi




Certificate of incorporation:

Estratto dal registro delle imprese ("Visura Camerale") di meno di 3 mesi


LINKS - Certificate of incoroporation:

Registro Imprese

LINKS - Certificate of incoroporation:

Registro Imprese




Link - Certificate of incorporation:

Italian Business Register


Article of association:

Statuto firmato (dal Legale Rappresentante, di norma il presidente, segretario generale oppure tesoriere)

Article of association:

Statuto firmato dal Legale Rappresentante (se non incluso all'interno della Visura Camerale)




Enhanced Due Diligence: 

Proof of address, economic proof (pay slip, tax notice, source of funds proof, ..etc.) or any other document that can be asked to validate the onboarding

Proof of identity of the legal Representative (president, treasurer or secretary): 

  • Passaporto,
  • Carta d'identità nazionale
  • Patente di guida (versione recente con linee MRZ)
  • Permesso di residenza (solo se di un paese europeo)

Proof of identity of the Legal Representative: 

  • Passaporto,
  • Carta d'identità nazionale
  • Patente di guida (versione recente con linee MRZ)
  • Permesso di residenza (solo se di un paese europeo)

Proof of authority of the legal representative to represent the association:

Una copia del verbale dell'ultima assemblea generale dell'associazione

Proof of authority of legal representative to represent the company:

Documento che certifica i poteri del Legale Rappresentante (in assenza di relativa indicazione all'interno della Visura Camerale, si prega di fornire una delega di potere redatta nelle debite forme ufficiali)




Extract of the UBO Register: Visura Camerale

Estratto che certifica i soggetti individuati come beneficiari effetivi (in assenza di relativa indicazione all'interno della Visura Camerale)



For Project Holders (Crowdfunding /Crowdlending/ Crowdequity):

A document describing the project in detail (uploaded in the backoffice or accessible via an URL)


Proof of identity of EACH Ultimate Beneficial Owner*1:

  • Passaporto,
  • Carta d'identità nazionale
  • Patente di guida (versione recente con linee MRZ)
  • Permesso di residenza (solo se di un paese europeo)



Enhanced Due Diligence: Proof of address, economic proof (pay slip, tax notice, source of funds proof, ..etc.) or any other document that can be asked to validate the onboarding

Included in the Italian commercial register



For Project Holders (Crowdfunding /Crowdlending/ Crowdequity): 

A document describing the project in detail (uploaded in the backoffice or accessible via an URL)



For marketplaces only: 

The URL of the merchant's site in priority, failing that the URL of the merchant's store on the marketplace site, or the URL of the marketplace as a last resort



Enhanced Due Diligence:

Proof of address, economic proof (pay slip, tax notice, source of funds proof, ..etc.) or any other document that can be asked to validate the onboarding



🇪🇸 Spain



Legal organization association

Legal Entity

Information required:

Nombre, apellidos, fecha y lugar de nacimiento, nacionalidad y dirección de residencia


Information required:

Nombre, apellidos, fecha y lugar de nacimiento, nacionalidad y dirección de residencia


Information required: 

Nombre de la entidad, forma jurídica, número de registro (si procede) y dirección del domicilio social

Entity's registration details:

Denominación social (legal name), forma jurídica (forme juridique), domicilio (registered address), la identidad de sus administradores, estatutos y número de identificación fiscal (tax code)


First proof of identity:

  • Pasaporte
  • Documento nacional de identidad
  • Permiso de conducir (versión reciente con líneas MRZ)
  • Permiso de residencia (solo si es de un país europeo)

Legal form:

Autónomo, Empresario Individual


Legal form:

Asociacion, ONG, Caridades/organizaciones sin fines de lucro, Fundacion

Legal form:

  • Sociedad Anonima (SA)
  • Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (SRL)
  • Sociedad Limitada (S.L.L.)
  • Sociedad Limitada Nueva Empresa ( SLNE)
  • Sociedad Colectiva (SC)
  • Sociedad Comanditaria Simple Sociedad Cooperativa (S.Coop.)
  • Sociedad Civil Comunidad de Bienes

Enhanced Due Diligence: 

Proof of address, economic proof (pay slip, tax notice, source of funds proof, ..etc.) or any other document that can be asked to validate the onboarding

First Proof of identity: 

  • Pasaporte
  • Documento nacional de identidad
  • Permiso de conducir (versión reciente con líneas MRZ)
  • Permiso de residencia (solo si es de un país europeo)


Certificate of incorporation:

  • Prueba de registro en el Registro Nacional de Asociaciones
  • Extracto del Boletin Oficial del Estado (BOE) con su constitución o documento acreditativo de la declaración de inicio/reinicio de actividad

Certificate of incorporation:

  • Extracto del Registro Mercantil Central con fecha de validez de menos de 3 meses
  • Nota Simple del Registro mercantil local sellado o numerico
  • Extracto desde los Registradores de España (informacion General Mercantil) con fecha de validez de menos de 3 meses
  • Modelo 600 con fecha de validez de menos de 3 meses (solo para sociedad civil)




Certificate of incorporation:

Agencia Tributaria - Certificado de situacion Censal (Alta Censal)


LINKS - Certificate of incoroporation:

Consulta del Fichero

LINKS - Certificate of incoroporation:

Sociedades Inscritas




Link - Certificate of incorporation: 

Agencia Tributaria


Article of association:

Estatutos o Estatutos actualizados y firmados (Escrituras)

Article of association: 

Escrituras de constitución o Estatutos sociales




Enhanced Due Diligence: 

Proof of address, economic proof (pay slip, tax notice, source of funds proof, ..etc.) or any other document that can be asked to validate the onboarding


Proof of identity of the legal Representative (president, treasurer, secretary): 

  • Pasaporte
  • Documento nacional de identidad
  • Permiso de conducir (versión reciente con líneas MRZ)
  • Permiso de residencia (solo si es de un país europeo)

Proof of identity of the Legal Representative: 

  • Pasaporte
  • Documento nacional de identidad
  • Permiso de conducir (versión reciente con líneas MRZ)
  • Permiso de residencia (solo si es de un país europeo)


Proof of authority of the legal representative to represent the association:

Acta de la Junta General con la lista de miembros y sus funciones

Proof of authority of legal representative to represent the company:

Información que puede recogerse mediante el extracto del registro mercantil y las escrituras




Extract of the UBO Register: 

  • Modelo 200 (“Form 200”)
  • Acta de titularidad read of less than 12 months
  • Acta de titularidad real above 12 months + A sworn statement dated and signed by the legal representative stating that the UBO information mentioned on the document are up to date

For multilayered shareholding structures (2 or more), an organizational chart presenting the entire structure must also be provided. This chart must be dated and signed by the legal representative, and must include the names and registration numbers of the companies as well as the percentage of ownership of each.



For Project Holders (Crowdfunding /Crowdlending/ Crowdequity):

A document describing the project in detail (uploaded in the backoffice or accessible via an URL)

Proof of identity OF EACH Ultimate Beneficial Owner*1:

  • Pasaporte
  • Documento nacional de identidad
  • Permiso de conducir (versión reciente con líneas MRZ)
  • Permiso de residencia (solo si es de un país europeo)

Enhanced Due Diligence: 

Proof of address, economic proof (pay slip, tax notice, source of funds proof, ..etc.) or any other document that can be asked to validate the onboarding

Registradores de España



For Project Holders (Crowdfunding /Crowdlending/ Crowdequity):

A document describing the project in detail (uploaded in the backoffice or accessible via an URL)




For marketplaces only: 

The URL of the merchant's site in priority, failing that the URL of the merchant's store on the marketplace site, or the URL of the marketplace as a last resort



Enhanced Due Diligence:

Proof of address, economic proof (pay slip, tax notice, source of funds proof, ..etc.) or any other document that can be asked to validate the onboarding


🇩🇪 Germany



Legal organization association

Legal Entity

Information required:

Vorname, Nachname, Geburtsdatum und -ort, Staatsangehörigkeit und Wohnanschrift


Information required:

Vorname, Nachname, Geburtsdatum und -ort, Staatsangehörigkeit und Wohnanschrift


Information required:

Name des Unternehmens, Rechtsform, Registrierungsnummer (falls zutreffend) und Anschrift des eingetragenen Sitzes

Entity's registration details:

Firmenname, Rechtsform, Handelsregisternummer, Anschrift des eingetragenen Sitzes oder der Hauptverwaltung


First proof of identity:

  • Reisepass
  • Personalausweis
  • Führerschein (neuere Version mit MRZ-Zeilen)
  • Oder Aufenthaltstitel (nur wenn Sie aus einem europäischen Land kommen)

Legal form:

Eingetragener Kaufmann (eK) Einzelunternehmen Einzelkaufmann Kleingewerbe Freiberuher/Selbständiger


Legal form: 

  • Eingetragener Verein (e.V.)
  • Nichtregierungsorganisation/ Nicht-staatliche Organisation
  • Stiftung
  • Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen/ Gemeinnützigen

Legal form:

  • Aktiengesellschaft (AG)
  • Offene Handelsgesellschaft (OHG)
  • Kommanditgesellschaft (KG)
  • Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH)
  • Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien: GmbH & Co or AG & Co UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
  • Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts (GbR)*

Second proof of identity:

  • Reisepass
  • Personalausweis
  • Führerschein (neuere Version mit MRZ-Zeilen)
  • Oder Aufenthaltstitel (nur wenn Sie aus einem europäischen Land kommen)


First Proof of identity:

  • Reisepass
  • Personalausweis
  • Führerschein (neuere Version mit MRZ-Zeilen)
  • Oder Aufenthaltstitel (nur wenn Sie aus einem europäischen Land kommen)


Certificate of incorporation: Genossenschaftssatzung

Certificate of incorporation:

Handelsregisterauszug weniger als 3 Monate alt


Enhanced Due Diligence: 

Proof of address, economic proof (pay slip, tax notice, source of funds proof, ..etc.) or any other document that can be asked to validate the onboarding


Second proof of identity:

  • Reisepass
  • Personalausweis
  • Führerschein (neuere Version mit MRZ-Zeilen)
  • Oder Aufenthaltstitel (nur wenn Sie aus einem europäischen Land kommen)


LINKS - Certificate of incoroporation:

Register Portal

LINKS - Certificate of incoroporation:





Article of association: 

Aktuelle und unterzeichnet Gesellschaftverträge 

Article of association:

Aktuelle und unterschriebene (von der Geschäftsführung) Gesellschaftverträge




Link - Certificate of incorporation:

Register Portal


Proof of identity of the legal Representative (president, treasurer, secretary): 

  • Reisepass
  • Personalausweis
  • Führerschein (neuere Version mit MRZ-Zeilen)
  • Oder Aufenthaltstitel (nur wenn Sie aus einem europäischen Land kommen)

Proof of identity of the Legal Representative: 

  • Reisepass
  • Personalausweis
  • Führerschein (neuere Version mit MRZ-Zeilen)
  • Oder Aufenthaltstitel (nur wenn Sie aus einem europäischen Land kommen)

Enhanced Due Diligence: 

Proof of address, economic proof (pay slip, tax notice, source of funds proof, ..etc.) or any other document that can be asked to validate the onboarding

Proof of authority of the legal representative to represent the association:

Protokoll der Mitgliederversammlung mit der Mitgliederliste und deren Funktion

Proof of authority of legal representative to represent the company: 

Überprüfung der Befugnisse des gesetzlichen Vertreters durch den Kbis-Auszug (unter Angabe seiner Funktion), die Satzung (unter Angabe seiner Eigenschaft als Vertreter) oder mangels formgerechter Vollmachtserteilung


Extract of the UBO Register: List der gesellshafter:


For Project Holders (Crowdfunding /Crowdlending/ Crowdequity): 

A document describing the project in detail (uploaded in the backoffice or accessible via an URL)

Proof of identity OF EACH Ultimate Beneficial Owner*1:

  • Reisepass
  • Personalausweis
  • Führerschein (neuere Version mit MRZ-Zeilen)
  • Oder Aufenthaltstitel (nur wenn Sie aus einem europäischen Land kommen)

Enhanced Due Diligence: 

Proof of address, economic proof (pay slip, tax notice, source of funds proof, ..etc.) or any other document that can be asked to validate the onboarding




For Project Holders (Crowdfunding /Crowdlending/ Crowdequity): 

A document describing the project in detail (uploaded in the backoffice or accessible via an URL)



For marketplaces only: 

The URL of the merchant's site in priority, failing that the URL of the merchant's store on the marketplace site, or the URL of the marketplace as a last resort



Enhanced Due Diligence:

Proof of address, economic proof (pay slip, tax notice, source of funds proof, ..etc.) or any other document that can be asked to validate the onboarding


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